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Information campaign

In March 2019, a national information campaign #PasswordsMatter was held to raise public awareness of cybersecurity in Ukraine. The focus of the campaign was on passwords.

The project’s partners were the State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Cyberpolice, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), the International Cyber Academy, ISSP, and M&C Saatchi.
The campaign received financial support from the UK government.

As part of the #PasswordsMatter campaign, the online platform was created, on which users can learn rules for creating strong passwords and common mistakes in using passwords that make it easy for intruders to crack them.

The platform also helps users to improve their personal cyber hygiene and learn about potential threats from public Wi-Fi, fake sites, and suspicious emails, as well as the importance of two-factor authentication, backing up critical data, device blocking, and other basic rules of cyber defense.

A separate stage of the campaign was street events in Ukraine’s four largest cities, during which passersby were asked to play an interactive game to check the strength of their passwords. International Cyber Academy experts helped people check their understanding of password security issues and experience the possible negative consequences of weak passwords.

This program involved university students who cooperated with the International Cyber Academy and contributed greatly to the success of the campaign.

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